For Medical students, having enough time to
study might be a near possible notion, because a lot is going on around us in
addition to the never-ending lack of self-studying, just to stay creditable to
our degree.
But few manage to barely stay above good
(Read : хорошо) in our зачётная книжка, let alone having time to understand between practical concepts or
learn new ideas. Here are few simple strategies we recommend to enforce a
hopefully better means of studying, especially for Moscow medical students.
The human organism is very difficult to
imagine. It is ever evolving, ever changing, ever adapting, and maybe
non-consequential. It is SUBJECTIVE. The knowledge is vast. And attempting to
blunder might result in fatality.
Merely, what we have to understand is just
the basic, average principle of the everlasting going-on processes in the body.
Take just the Digestive System for example. When the normal condition for some
people, may not be normal for others. What we have to understand is the basic
physiology of the GIT, then we can root out the pathology when clinical
symptoms appear.
How malaena will appear in lower GIT bleed
and how haematemesis may apper in upper GIT bleed?
Diagnoses are difficult! Unless we
understand the better half of the pathophysiology of a disease.
It is simply a BEAR for having to study
EVERYTHING in a span of three days, where (for the 4th, 5th,
and 6th years) we actually have a WHOLE month to study for an
1. Prepare
a. This actually may be a cliché,
but hard work IS the best virtue.
Before going to class take a solitude of 1 hour just to scan through the
definition or insights of today’s topic. Mostly, what we can learn by ourselves
are already in the books. Why go to class? For the teacher to help us
UNDERSTAND the clinical implication. Hence.
2. Notes
a. After each lesson, try to
rearrange your notes. If needed, copy them neat and beautifully, rather than
the scribble you jotted in the middle of the class. This will help you to
notice if you need any revision at some point of discussion!
1. Niat, deep breaths and
a. Sahaja aku belajar kerana Allah
Taala. J Put some SOUL into your studies. Things will turn out VERY
differently, the way you’re feeling that is.
2. Use all senses!
a. Make full use of your senses to
study and STAY FOCUSED!
b. Avoid studying with people
watching movies nearby, or people singing songs, or people selling tudung
nearby (for girls!)
c. Avoid munchies (for girls!)
during studies, before you know it, you will be busy brushing crumbs aside!
d. Avoid eating (for guys!) during
studies. Because you KNOW, you will be putting the books aside and concentrate
3. Leave no islands!
a. Read them ALL. Do not miss a
page, don’t jump between sections. You won’t be able to finish them at the last
minute if can’t finish it now.
4. Test yourself
a. Given the exercises (Read : Вопросы, задача) by
teachers, put your knowledge to the test. Some may find this is the easier way
to learn, as you are faster at grasping an idea by learning from your mistakes.
5. Teaching is the best teacher
a. This is what we think the best
solution. By teaching it to others, you are revising the same material twice!
Once, as you recalling the facts. Twice, as you putting them into realization.
Your brain is working its different parts at the same time!
6. Metaphorization (is it a word?)
a. But you know, metaphors or
analogies help you to tackling an idea as simplest as it possibly can. And
whenever you need them explained, just add bits of information here and
there,and Voila!
7. Patterned
a. Don’t believe us? Decorate your
notes and see how you like to read it again and again.
b. Nah, just kidding. Alphabetize
or number them according to a reference. Read your notes in a pattern.
c. For example,
Step One
Step Two
Step Three
Classical Symptoms
Step Four
Clinical Signs
d. Etc.
a. Don’t get into any emotional
tumble when you are about to study. Like taking up a new non-probable task, or
stalking an old nemesis at (you KNOW you do it), getting upset by the
smallest things.
b. Istighfar, and do realize you
have a bigger sanctioned mission right away: PAY ATTENTION!
9. Rest?
a. Yes, please. You need it and
your brain demands it. Every hour or so.
b. Put an alarm of 5 minutes, sit
back, close your eyes, and think of Heaven! Aahhh, what a wonderful feeling to
be in heaven and have all the relaxation of both mind and body.
c. After your 5 minutes are up,
get back to brain-frosting!
10. Lastly
a. After a fruitful session of
studying, make sure you give:
your body what it deserves :
Sleep, vitamins.
your soul : Recitations,
your mind : calm, composed