Friday, 20 December 2013

Medical Apps Recommendations for Medical Students

Assalamualaikum wrt.

Life in medical school can be quite challenging sometimes, especially when it comes to studying. No one can deny the fact that medical school is hard, especially when there are tonnes of information need to be crammed into our brain, and as normal as we are, we can’t remember everything.

Fortunately, as advanced as we are now as medical students with smartphones and all, there are these things called “apps” that can ease us in studying.

So here are few suggestions of free apps from Android and Apple that may help students to access information quicker and help in studies. Plus, not only for students, these things even help medical professionals too, especially during housemanship!

So in non-chronological order, feel free to check the suggestions below!

1) Quick Lab Reference

Why to love: Useful for quick medical reference

This app provides quick look at the up-to-date information on the most commonly used clinical laboratory values and other useful relevant information such as lab data in Microbiology, Physiology/Pathophysiology, Toxicology and etc.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The Heart and How Does It Function.

Assalamualaikum wrt and good day to everyone.

In conjunction to our month of cardiovascular system, we from PPIM Moscow are going to talk about the most important organ in this system; which is the heart and how does it function.

We all know that in every thing created, there must be something that drives them to function, like in car there is the engine, and in machine there is some kind of hydraulic pump for them to work. The same applies to us humans, physiologically speaking. The most vital organ that holds our body systems together is the heart, the busiest and the most core of us. Without heart, we will die.

Heart is the busiest organ in our body. It works and beats non-stop for 24 hours per day, supplying us with “life”. How it functions non-stop with amazing complexity of the heart system is beyond our imagination, it marks how great Allah is as He is the best and the only Creator, subhanaAllah.

Few facts and trivias that may blow your mind about the heart.

     Put your hand on your heart. Did you place your hand on the left side of your chest? Many people do, but the heart is actually located almost in the center of the chest, between the lungs. It's tipped slightly so that a part of it sticks out and taps against the left side of the chest, which is what makes it seem as though it is located there.
     Hold out your hand and make a fist. If you're a kid, your heart is about the same size as your fist, and if you're an adult, it's about the same size as two fists.
     Your heart beats about 100,000 times in one day and about 35 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times.
     Give a tennis ball a good, hard squeeze. You're using about the same amount of force your heart uses to pump blood out to the body. Even at rest, the muscles of the heart work hard—twice as hard as the leg muscles of a person sprinting.
     Feel your pulse by placing two fingers at pulse points on your neck or wrists. The pulse you feel is blood stopping and starting as it moves through your arteries. As a kid, your resting pulse might range from 90 to 120 beats per minute. As an adult, your pulse rate slows to an average of 72 beats per minute.
     The aorta, the largest artery in the body, is almost the diameter of a garden hose. Capillaries, on the other hand, are so small that it takes ten of them to equal the thickness of a human hair.
     Your body has about 5.6 liters (6 quarts) of blood. This 5.6 liters of blood circulates through the body three times every minute. In one day, the blood travels a total of 19,000 km (12,000 miles)—that's four times the distance across the US from coast to coast.
     The heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime—that's enough to fill more than 3 super tankers.

Interesting, right?

Monday, 2 December 2013

Respiratory System | Word Search Puzzle Competition

Assalamualaikum wbt and Happy Winter for all!!

Now, it's already end of our theme, Respiratory System. So, to check out your knowledge about this system, COME and JOIN us IMAM's new competition. The Word Search Puzzle.

There will be only 3 WINNERS

Feel interested? Clink the link below, download and answer it.

>> Word Search Puzzle <<

For answer, you can find or refer to any of the post we have shared before in our page and our blog.

Here are the guidelines:
1) Download the puzzle. ( Click Here ). The download link is at the upper right corner.
2) Once you spot the word, just highlight and colour the boxes with your answer to the questions below.
3) Then, you can SEND (via facebook message) your answer to:
    Brother - Ashrul Affiq ( fb: Ashrul Affiq )
    Sister - Nurul Hikmaht ( fb: Nurul Hikmaht )

EASY RIGHT? If you have any kind of question, please don't hesitate to ask or comment on our page.

Hurry.... This will be last for 5 DAYS ONLY.
LAST DATE : 8th December 2013

Search and Win! Good luck.

thank you,

Monday, 25 November 2013

Gaya Hidup Sihat Upin dan Ipin

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kawan-kawan. 

Untuk santai diri setelah penat, mari sama-sama kita hayati perbualan Upin dan Ipin bersama Atuk tentang gaya hidup sihat.

“Dan Dia telah memberikan kepadamu segala apa yang kamu mohonkan kepadaNya.dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah nescaya kamu tidak akan dapat menghitungnya..”
                    (surah Ibrahim:34)    
Atuk      : Upin, Ipin, Atuk nak pergi ‘jogging’. Kamu semua nak ikut ?
Upin       :Ha? ‘joging’? malasla atuk
Ipin        :Hmm..betul betul betul! Kami tak laratla atuk. Penat tolong kak ros kemas bilik.
Atuk      :Haih kamu ni, baru 7 tahun dah letih. Tengok atuk ni ha, dah 70 tahun! Tapi orang
                kampung cakap umur atuk 50 tahun tau!
Ipin        :Wah,,,atuk ,atuk tak letih ke ‘jogging’?
Atuk      : Tak..sebab atuk amalkan gaya hidup sihat
Upin      : Gaya hidup sihat tu macam mana,atuk?
Atuk      : Gaya hidup sihat tu,kita amalkan amalan yang boleh menjamin kesihatan,emosi. Amalan 
                yang menjadikan kita cergas dan cerdas,macam atuk ni,walaupun dah tua tapi atuk 
                boleh buat kerja orang muda.
Ipin        : Patutlah Ipin tengok atuk boleh berkebun dari pagi sampai petang. Ipin tak pernah
                tengok atuk stress, tengah tanam pokok pun atuk boleh senyum lagi
Upin       :Betul betul betul! Opah pun sama, setiap hari opah selalu kemas rumah, masak untuk 
Atuk      : Haha..itulah rahsia atuk. Kita kena utamakan kesihatan.kata orang, badan cergas, otak 
                pun cerdas. Lagi satu atuk suka minum air masak,sebab air tu boleh menambahkan
                kandungan oksigen dalam badan kita dan oksigen itulah yang akan hasilkan tenaga.
                Bila tenaga banyak, nak buat semua kerja pun tiada masalah.
Upin      : Atuk atuk,kalau Upin minum air bergas boleh tambah oksigen?
Atuk      : Eh,..tak boleh cu. Air tu tak baik untuk kesihatan.banyak gula,nanti senang kena 
                penyakit. Contohnya,kencing manis. Boleh buruk kaki kamu tu. Nanti jadi camni;
Upin       :Eeeeee takutnyee
Ipin        :Atuk merokok tak?

Friday, 22 November 2013

Answer for The Cases on Respiratory System (Quiz)

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning, here are the answers for the cases posted before on facebook. Hopefully you will get some benefits from this quiz. Insyaallah.

Case 1


  • The microscopic changes leading to emphysema.
  • Chronic irritation of the respiratory tract by cigarette smoke causes macrophages and neutrophils to proliferate.
  • Activated neutrophils, in turn, release protease enzymes, one of which, called elastase, can chemically destroy elastin protein found in lung tissue.
  • Normally, the activity of elastase is modulated by another enzyme called alpha-1 antitrypsin.
  • However, alpha-1 antitrypsin is destroyed by the free radicals produced by cigarette smoke.
  • This tips the balance in favor of elastase and sets the stage for the slow, gradual destruction of elastin in the walls of the alveoli and the connective tissue between adjacent bronchioles.
  • Multiple alveoli coalesce into larger air pockets, destroying much of the surface area previously available for gas exchange.
  • Furthermore, destruction of the elastic connective tissue between adjacent bronchioles causes them to collapse, especially during exhalation, leading to the trapping of air in the alveoli and the ultimate "barrel chest" appearance of Joe's thorax.
  • To overcome the obstructed airways, Joe must use his accessory muscles of respiration (i.e. the sternocleidomastoids, pectoralis minors, and scalenus muscles).


  • The loss of alveolar surface area due to emphysema makes it difficult for Joe to take in sufficient oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide at a sufficient rate.


  • Joe's arterial blood pH is lower than normal because he is having a difficult time excreting carbon dioxide (CO2) from his bloodstream at an adequate rate. Since CO2 is continuously produced as a by-product of cellular respiration, its level rises in Joe's bloodstream, where it binds to water to produce carbonic acid, which dissociates into hydrogen ion and bicarbonate ion in the following reversible buffering reaction:
  • CO2 + H2O <—> H2CO3 <—> H+ + HCO3-
  • Thus, as CO2 accumulates, H+ concentration rises, lowering the pH of the bloodstream. Joe is hypoventilating to the point that his blood pH has fallen below normal, a condition known as respiratory acidosis.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

COPD: Are You at Risk?

Public Awareness Campaign for (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) COPD

Assalamualaikum dan selamat membaca semua.

Menurut Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia(WHO),dianggarkan bahawa 64 juta orang telah menghidap penyakit COPD pada 2004 dan 3 juta orang meninggal dunia akibat COPD. WHO meramalkan COPD akan menjadi punca ketiga kematian di seluruh dunia menjelang 2030.

Widget sediaan pihak berwajib untuk meningkatkan kesedaran umum 

Selain daripada faktor persekitaran dan juga faktor genetik,salah satu faktor besar yang turut menyumbang kepada COPD adalah merokok. Kempen untuk berhenti merokok haruslah dipergiatkan dan menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk memastikan gejala tidak sihat ini daripada terus berleluasa dan menjadi perkara yang sebati dalam kalangan masyarakat kita. Masyarakat harus disedarkan dan dimaklumkan tentang bahayanya rokok kepada diri mereka.

Sebagai Pertubuhan Perubatan Islam Malaysia(PPIM) di Moscow, kami mengambil inisiatif untuk mengadakan kempen berkenaan COPD dengan mengedarkan bahan bacaan berbentuk brochure online kepada para pelajar. Diharapkan ilmu yang dikongsi ini sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu kefahaman kita mengenai penyakit dan gejala yang tidak sihat ini.

Berikut disediakan Brochure Online kepada pembaca:

Moga bermanfaat buat semua, inshaAllah.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt and good evening!
Have you ever tried to understand something faily simple, yet still failed to grasp the key ideas?
Now we bring you a more fun and easy way to learn and understand THE EFFECT OF SMOKING IN OUR RESPIRATORY SYSTEM.

We believe that every learner is partly a teacher.
Once you get started, you'll soon be supplying little nuggets of wit and wisdom to help the rest as they learn! We hope that you enjoy this presentation till the end, and do not forget to share with others too!

Click 'Start Prezi' to view our little presentation.
You may adjust the setting to 'Autoplay' at the right side at the bottom of your device's screen.  May you be bestowed with beneficial knowledges. insyaAllah. ;)

Saturday, 26 October 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt,


Menurut Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO),seramai 2.8 juta orang telah meninggal dunia setiap tahun disebabkan masalah berat badan berlebihan atau obesiti.Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) juga menganggarkan lebih satu bilion manusia seluruh dunia mengalami masalah berat badan dan jika berterusan kadar obesiti akan meningkat sehingga 1.5 bilion menjelang 2015.

Bersempena Obesity Day pada 26 Oktober 2013,mengambil inisiatif untuk cuba menyedarkan masyarakat, Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia(PPIM) Moscow telah bersetuju untuk turut serta dengan NGO-NGO lain dalam mengadakan kempen kesedaran ini kepada masyarakat.

Brochure kempen akan diedarkan kepada para pelajar di Moscow mengikut lokaliti hostel masing-masing. Bagi yang tidak dapat, brochure online turut disediakan.

Mudah sahaja, anda klik pada link, baca atau muat turun utk simpanan.:-)

Berikut disediakan brochure online sempena Obesity Day ini :

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Tuberculosis and Pneumonia

Previously we have discussed about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) which is caused mainly by smoking habits.Now we are going to continue our studies on Tuberculosis and Pneumonia.


Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis which is transmitted via airborne particles. Tuberculosis is spread from person to person through tiny droplets of infected sputum that travel through the air. If an infected person coughs, sneezes, shouts, or spits, bacteria can enter the air and come into contact with uninfected people who breath the bacteria into their lungs. Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body.


Mycobacterium tuberculosis is spread by small airborne droplets. Cell-mediated response by the body causes accumulation of activated T lymphocytes and macrophages to form a “granuloma” that limits replication of organism. Destruction of the macrophages produces early “solid necrosis.” In 2–3 weeks, this forms a soft cheesy necrotic environment; develops “caseous necrosis” establishing latency. In people with intact immunity, it generally undergoes “fibrosis” and calcification; in people with less effective immune systems, it progresses to primary progressive tuberculosis.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Common Disease Related To Respiratory Disease (COPD)

Here are the most common disease of respiratory system in Malaysia:

1) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
2) Tuberculosis
3) Pneumonia

We decide to discuss about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease first:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common cause of illness in the community associated mainly with cigarette smoking.  It is a progressive disease with considerable morbidity and mortality.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a condition characterised by persistent airflow obstruction, which is slowly progressive.  It may be partially reversible and there may be features of airway hyperreactivity.  Traditionally, it comprises chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
Chronic bronchitis is defined by the presence of increased bronchial secretions with chronic cough and expectoration on most days for at least 3 months a year in two consecutive years.
Emphysema is defined anatomically by permanent destructive enlargement of airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles without obvious fibrosis.


a)      Chronic bronchitis

Hyperplasia of the secretory cells and mucous gland enlargement are the histological hallmarks of chronic bronchitis, and these are the tissue correlates of increased sputum production.  These changes are due to repeated irritation by pollutants and infections. Airway wall inflammation, stenosis and distortion due to fibrosis may also be present. The small bronchi and bronchioles are the main sites of the increased resistance to airflow.

b)   Emphysema

Two main forms of emphysema are described.Centriacinar emphysema is characterised by focal destruction restricted to respiratory bronchioles and the central portion of an acinus, surrounded by relatively normal lung.  Panacinar emphysema involves destruction of all the air spaces supplied by the terminal bronchiole.  The current view is that emphysema occurs as a result of an imbalance between proteases and anti-protease resulting in a relative increase in proteases and resultant destruction of lung tissue.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Our Lungs Anatomy and Physiology

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Hope that we’re all in His protection and may Allah favor everything that we do. It’s been a while since we posted an article in our blog. Alhamdulillah this semester, we decided to come out with some medical articles  and inshaAllah our main point is not to replace your  lecturer, but instead  we  would like to  try our very best to encourage  the  medical students  to be  more interested in what  they all are doing now and hopefully they will become a good doctor one day.

Topics: What you might not know about lungs? (Anatomy and Physiology)

Before you read this article, you should open one of the organ which is able detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons.That’s your eyes! :)

#Facts2 :
The word ‘lung’ probably comes from ‘lunge’, the Old English word for ‘light.’
#Facts3 :

There are about 600 million alveoli in your lungs. If you stretched all of them out, they would be about the size of a volleyball court in the Burevestnik hall!Subhanallah.


The anatomy of the respiratory system can be divided into 2 major parts, airway anatomy and lung anatomy.
Airway anatomy can be further subdivided into the following 2 segments:
  • The extrathoracic (superior) airway, which includes the supraglottic, glottic, and infraglottic regions
  • The intrathoracic (inferior) airway, which includes the trachea, the mainstem bronchi, and multiple bronchial generations (which have as their main function the conduction of air to the alveolar surface)

For a better understanding about our lungs and their system, first we need to have a detail information about anatomy and topography of the lungs.
Topography of lungs
This respiratory organs lie on either side of mediastinum normally the right one a little larger than the other one. This related to the fact that at the middle mediastinum containing the heart, bulges more to the left than to the right.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Selamat menduduki peperiksaan



Kami dari pihak PPIM Moscow ingin mengucapkan selamat menduduki peperiksaan kepada semua pelajar yang berada di Moscow dan juga di seluruh Rusia. Marilah kita sama-sama berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh dengan kemampuan yang ada seiringan dengan doa kepadaNya agar diberi kekuatan untuk melalui cabaran ini. Serahkanlah segalanya kepada yang Maha Memberi. Ingatlah apa sahaja keputusan yang bakal kita peroleh adalah yang terbaik untuk diri kita kerana Dia Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hamba-hambaNya. Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kita

Ralat: 65:3, bukan 65:1.